Friday, July 24, 2009

ESP's: Why Join NEA / LAE?

Because There is Strength in Numbers!

With 3.2 million members, the National Education Association is the largest employee organization in the country. And NEA's 489,000 ESP members make us the largest organization of school support employees in the world. This numerical strength translates into advocacy and service -- for improved pay and working conditions, rights on the job, improved education for the students we serve, and great deals on products and services our members need.

Together We Can Make Things Happen

NEA/LAE Helps Us :
*Win better pay, benefits, and working conditions.
*Gain Professional Development and leadership training.
*Be insured with life, health, disability, and casualty insurance programs.
*Get credit, loan, savings, investment, and discount services.
*Receive on-the-job liability insurance of up to $1 million.
*Have tough and effective representation in job-related disputes through our UniServ program.
*Speak out for our concerns in state legislatures and in the U.S. Congress.
*Be represented at NEA/LAE meetings.
*Get Association news through NEA/LAE publications and on its Web site."

Friday, July 17, 2009

Welcome New Teachers!

On Behalf of the Louisiana Association of Educators, I want to welcome you to the education profession and to your new job at school. This is a very exciting time in your career.

Our Local Association is an affiliate of the Louisiana Association of Educators and the National Education Association. We are not three (3) separate organizations as the names may imply. We are a unified, professional family working for the betterment of the education profession and public schools.

We are proud of the accomplishments we have made over the years, and there is much yet to be done.

I'd like to take this opportunity to formally invite you to join our organization. I am available to visit with you in your school or your Association Representative (AR) can provide you a membership form as well as additional information regarding the benefits of our organization.

We have a lot to offer you! Please contact your Association Representative in your school, leave me a note on this blog or call our help desk (877-452-3477) and we will be happy to answer your questions and sign you up as a member.

I look forward to hearing from you,


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Let's Keep in Contact!

Aurelia Young

As your UniServ Director, I am here to assist you. At the end of each day, I will check your messages and post a comment. Please be reminded....if you have a major concern such as a grievance, contact the LAE Helpdesk first. Our helpdesk will assist you and provide guidance with the problem. The helpdesk telephone number is: 877-452-3477. Either way you look at it, we are always here to help you!

Invite your friends & colleagues to join us also! THIS IS YOUR PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION and your colleagues should become a part and share the benefits with you. Your organization will continue to grow if you talk to your colleagues and encourage them to sign up. Remember......


Ouestions You Should Ask Your Association Representative?

Now that you are a new teacher and a member of this Association, listed below are questions your Association Representative (AR) will assist you with:

-What time do employees arrive at your building in the morning?
-Where do employees hang out in the morning, at lunch or after school?
-What are the lunch time rules? Do employees go through the line first? Can employees order special meals? Are there any real good school lunch meals? Where are places to go out for lunch during non student days?
-When is Open House normally held? Has a standard format been adopted? What has happened in the past?
-What have employees done socially in the past?
-What is the Principal's reaction to student discipline referrals? Is there other help?
-What were the school's special events last year? When did they take place?
-Where do you get paper and other supplies in school or cheaply outside of school?
-What is the Xerox, lamination machine, etc. use protocol?
-We will go over any forms you have signed or should have signed. Take guidance from the Association.
-If there is a collective bargaining agreement, review the items on workday, evaluation, leaves. If there is no agreement, know the school district policies on these items.
-When is the District or building new employee function? As a new employee, we will help you get there.
-When is the Associations first function? We will help you get there.
-When the first pay checks arrive, we will help you determine if your pay is correct.

Stories of Old South Baton Rouge

Louisiana Travel ~ Louisiana's African American Heritage Trail: "Opening June 18, 2009, at the Louisiana State Museum - Baton Rouge, Pride of Place is the latest effort to expand community partnerships and exhibitions across the State Museum. This exhibition will also usher in the Museum's new 'free admission' policy. Starting June 18, admission to all exhibitions at the Louisiana State Museum - Baton Rouge will be free to the public." The exhibit will end June 18, 2010. Workshops, book signings and other activities will take place throughout the year-long run. In addition, they are hoping to have one or two musicals. School children and educators should plan to see the exhibit and take part in the additional activities. A schedule of events should be forthcoming. Check with the Louisiana State Museum periodically for listings. The Louisiana State Museum - Baton Rouge is located at 660 North Fourth Street in downtown Baton Rouge. Hours are Thursday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays from 12 noon to 5 p.m.