Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How To Deal With Conflict Workshop

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Nu Gamma Omega Chapter


“How to Deal with Conflict”

An informative & entertaining workshop aimed at providing area youth with skills to resolve conflict in productive ways, without the use of violence.

Saturday, August 29, 2009
10:00 A.M. – Noon
(9:30-9:50 sign-in & refreshments)
1747 Main St.
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Open to students in grades 6th-12th

For More Information Contact:
Ms. Shana Watson - sulady1908@gmail.com or 225-284-1268
or visit

Monday, August 24, 2009

If You Are Not A Member....JOIN TODAY!

Joyce Haynes, President of The Louisiana Association of Educators

You are invited to belong to your local association and become a part of the LAE / NEA. Join us in building strong local associations across Louisiana that work to promote quality public schools, strengthen the education profession, and improve the well being of members. Join & Get Involved - Belonging Makes a Difference!

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How To Deal With Conflict

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Nu Gamma Omega Chapter

Hosts “How to Deal with Conflict” An informative & entertaining workshop aimed at providing area youth with skills to resolve conflict in productive ways, without the use of violence.

Saturday, August 29, 2009
10:00 A.M. – Noon (9:30-9:50 sign-in & refreshments) 1747 Main St. Baton Rouge, LA 70802. Open to students in grades 6th-12th

For More Information Contact:
Ms. Shana Watson - sulady1908@gmail.com or 225-284-1268 or visit www.akanugammaomega.com"

How To Deal With Conflict

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Monday, August 3, 2009

Glossary of Union Terms


as·so·ci·a·tion, un·ion, guild, broth·er·hood: All the same thing. It's a group that works collectively to improve working conditions and wages.

bar·gain·ing u·nit: The group made up of employees that negotiates with employers on things like salary and benefits.

build·ing rep: A staff member who serves as a liaison between the staff union members and the administration. In a building with a strong union (that is, a lot of vocal and active members like you), they can typically address issues not covered by a contract to improve working conditions.

col·lect·ive bar·gain·ing: The negotiation of a contract—including wages, benefits, and working conditions—between employers and employees. Some states, especially in the South, don't have collective bargaining. (Even though there is still typically a grievance or due process system legally guaranteed.)

griev·ance: A dispute between a union member and management over a workplace situation or alleged contract violation that is handled through a procedure outlined in the contract or a state law or regulation. The grievance system facilitates your right to due process.

or·gan·iz·ing: Drawing on the power of members' unified strength (3.2 million and counting in the NEA!), this is the action by which members lobby for changes, seek improvements in their working conditions, or work for any other important step that members determine is a priority.

'right-to-work state': States where unions can't negotiate agreements that require all employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement to pay for the costs of union representation. Such agreements eliminate 'free riders' who enjoy the benefits of an agreement without supporting or joining the union.

Uni·Serv Di·rec·tor: That's the professional union staff member you can turn to when you have a professional problem."

Are you in a UNION????

"Union 101

I have heard time and time again from competing organizations here in Louisiana that we hide the fact that we are a union. Let's make it perfectly clear....YES, WE ARE A UNION! We (members of the NEA) are proud to belong to our union. We're in the largest professional union in the United States. Knowing what that means can make your job and your paycheck better. But only if you get involved.

Ever faked a knowing nod when a veteran teacher starts talking about being in a 'right-to-work state,' and you're not really sure what she's talking about? Does 'collective bargaining' just make you think of your third-period class trying to get out of having homework? As a new educator, it can seem easier to teach physics to first-graders than to learn about your own union, much less become an active and involved member of it. But you need to do all three—get in, get educated, and get active. Your commitment has to go beyond just paying dues. But remember, the payoff is big.

"I'm very involved in how I think the school should look," says Lawrence Garcia, 35, a middle school math teacher in Thornton, Colorado. But he knows he can't do it alone.

"Teachers sometimes feel alone and scared of what the principal will say if they speak up as a union member," says Samone Thomas, 36, a seventh-grade language arts teacher in Wichita, Kansas. "But that means you don't know you have all these thousands of people behind you working to make things better."

Having a basic understanding of your union, then building on it with personal involvement, are the first steps toward better working conditions, pay, and benefits.

So if you're ready to find out more about what you're getting for your investment (besides this magazine!), and how you can reap additional rewards through your involvement, here's a primer on what Association membership means. (First tip: Your membership means you belong to the local, state, and national Association.)"

Sunday, August 2, 2009

YouTube - Dalton Sherman

YouTube - Dalton Sherman

Teachers Cruise Discounts

Teachers Cruise Discounts: "Teacher Discounts

From time to time, one or more cruise lines will offer special discounts on select sailings to Vacations To Go customers who are teachers. Qualifying teachers must present a photocopy of teacher's certification, union card or letter from principal on school letterhead."


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Back To School Giveaway!

"NBA All-Star for the Chicago Bulls and Baton Rouge native Tyrus Thomas hosts his annual back to school supply giveaway this Saturday, August 1st from 9am – 1pm at McKinley Alumni Center located at 1520 Thomas H. Delpit Drive. Tyrus will be giving away over 500 school bags filled with school supplies and other materials, signing autographs and the first 50 students receive gift cards to footlocker!

Sponsored by Tyrus Thomas, Inc., Staples Office Supplies, and Allstate Insurance Agent Agnes Andrews. This event is free and open to the public."