Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Education Jobs Bill

NEA Alert:

Thanks to you, the Senate cleared a key hurdle to save 138,000 education jobs. Read more at and keep up the fight!

This morning, the U.S. Senate voted to move forward on a bill that would save 138,000 educators' jobs jeopardized by state budget cuts. By a vote of 61-38, senators voted for cloture, which allows debate on legislation containing $10 billion for education jobs funding to proceed.

"The educators, students and parents who have fought hard for crucial funding are now one step closer," NEA President Dennis Van Roekel said. "This bill is fully offset, and will actually reduce the budget deficit over the next ten years. It's a no-brainer."

According to a National Education Association analysis, the fund will preserve the jobs of approximately 138,000 educators. Both the education jobs funding and the FMAP extension are fully offset, The Congressional Budget Office confirmed yesterday that H.R. 1586 will actually reduce the budget deficit by $1.4 billion over the next decade.

NEA and a coalition of more than 180 education and community groups continue to push for a real, unobstructed vote on the education jobs fund in the Senate. The White House, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and Reid have all expressed their desire to pass this critically needed legislation before Congress leaves for recess.

Email your Senators and urge them to vote yes on final passage of the education jobs bill.


Urge your Senator to vote “YES”!



Senate vote expected on $10 Billion for Education Jobs tomorrow morning. 

The federal "Jobs Bill" is still very much alive and we need as much visible and vocal support as we can muster.  This bill could save the jobs of some 135,000 educators and extend enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP) for six months.
We need to make sure that Senators Landrieu and Vitter "Do the Right Thing" and help keep public school employees working.


Phone calls & emails to Senator Landrieu and Senator Vitter DC will aid our effort in showing support.  Please encourage colleagues, friends and family to help.


Urge your Senator to vote "yes" by calling (866) 608-6355.

Urge your Senator to vote YES on cloture and YES on the bill for the sake of compassion and sound economics. By voting YES, they will help:

  • Contain class size and sustain vital programs in our nation's schools. Without this bill, many students, especially the most vulnerable, will have bigger classes (35 to 40); no after-school programs; and no art, music, physical education, reading specialists, librarians, technology experts, nurses, or counselors.


  • Keep Americans working instead of raising the unemployment rate. For every 100,000 education jobs that are lost, local communities will lose an additional 30,000 private sector jobs, according to the Economic Policy Institute.  


  • Add not one penny to the federal deficit. Both the Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP) and education jobs provisions of the bill are fully offset.