Monday, March 26, 2012

A Rush to Judgment Will Harm Louisiana Education

A Rush to Judgment Will Harm Louisiana Education

The decision by the Louisiana Governor and House Leadership concerning House Bills 974 and 976 is a rush to judgment designed specifically to hide the multiple problems found in the bills. The Governor and his supporters should know that there is both a lack of research in favor of much he has proposed and specific research that would refute much of what he wants. There is and should be a wide debate about the cost of these proposals and the lack of accountability involved. In addition, there is a clear desire to insure that many of the educators in this state are not heard.

If teachers, administrators and other educators show up there will be a cry that they have abandoned their students during leap testing week when the truth is, there is no reason that the house bills could not be studied and debated in a more professional fashion. It is the Governor and House Leadership who are participating in "abandonment" and they are harming our children and educators.

Many groups and organizations throughout the state have encouraged greater study and debate to more adequately evaluate the multiple bills crowded into these two pieces of legislation however, The Governor is not about to allow a fair and engaged discussion.

Each of you, those in favor and those who have concerns about the bills, should encourage a wider ranging, more professional debate and process… Isn't that what legislators are supposed to do?

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