Authorizes a cost-of-living adjustment for certain retirees of the La. School Employees' Retirement System and their beneficiaries. Position: Support Bill History: 02-21-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Retirement Provides relative to the actuarial liabilities of state retirement systems as relates to LASERS, TRSL, Louisiana School Employees' Retirement System, and the Louisiana State Police Retirement System. Position: Opposed Bill History: 02-22-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Retirement Relative to state and statewide retirement systems, prohibits certain members who are reemployed after retirement from receiving retirement benefits or accruing additional benefits. Position: Opposed Bill History: 02-22-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Retirement Provides relative to the calculation of benefits for members of state and statewide retirement system. Position: Opposed Bill History: 02-22-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Retirement Provides for parent petitions relative to the transfer of certain schools from the Recovery School District back to the local school system. Position: Support Bill History: 03-13-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Education Prohibits giving a teacher or administrator a performance rating until completion of his full evaluation. Position: Support Bill History: 03-15-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Education Provides relative to the definition of "eligible student" for participation in the Student Scholarship for Educational Excellence (voucher) Program. Position: Amend-Support Bill History: 03-25-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Education Authorizes the state superintendent of education to make certain adjustments to the Student Scholarships for Educational Excellence Program accountability system. Position: Opposed Bill History: 03-26-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Education Relative to the Student Scholarships for Educational Excellence (voucher) Program, requires that scholarship recipients annually meet certain criteria for program certification. Position: Support Bill History: 03-26-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Education Changes certain eligibility criteria for participation in the Course Choice Program. Position: Support Bill History: 03-26-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Education Prohibits certain public high school students from being administered tests pursuant to La. Education Assessment Program or the La. School and District Accountability System with certain exceptions. Position: Support Bill History: 03-27-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Education Requires legislative approval of changes made to school performance score ranges. Position: Support Bill History: 03-27-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Education Provides relative to school board reduction in force policies. Position: Opposed Bill History: 03-29-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Education Constitutional Amendment to provide relative to increasing the financial burden of public school systems. Position: Support Bill History: 03-29-13 H Referred to House Committee on House and Governmental Affairs Repeals provisions of law relative to teacher certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. Position: Support Bill History: 03-29-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Education Provides relative to a students access to an effective teacher. Position: Opposed Bill History: 03-29-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Education Provides relative to charter schools. Position: Opposed Bill History: 03-29-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Education Provides generally relative to the "Course Choice Program". Position: Opposed Bill History: 03-29-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Education Provides relative to standards for virtual schools. Position: Support Bill History: 03-29-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Education Provides relative to powers and duties of local school boards and superintendents. Position: Opposed Bill History: 03-29-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Education Provides relative to the process for discharging, demoting, or disciplining a permanent public school teacher. Position: Support Bill History: 03-29-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Education Provides with respect to the payment of UAL and other retirement obligations from MFP to determine state-funded per pupil allocation for charter schools, course providers, and scholarship schools. Position: Support Bill History: 03-29-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Education Provides relative to salaries for teachers and other school and school system employees. Position: Opposed Bill History: 03-29-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Education Suspends provisions of law providing for the Cash Balance Plan in certain retirement systems. Position: Support Bill History: 02-22-13 H Referred to House Committee on House Retirement Provides a sixty-month final average compensation period for members of state and statewide retirement systems. Position: Opposed Bill History: 02-20-13 S Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Retirement Provides relative to funding of and eligibility for post-retirement benefit increases for certain state employees and teachers. Position: Opposed Bill History: 02-22-13 S Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Retirement Provides relative to tenure for teachers and certain other school employees. Position: Opposed Bill History: 03-27-13 S Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Education Suspends Chapter 7 of Subtitle II of Title 11 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, comprised of R.S. 1399.1 through 1399.7. Position: Support Bill History: 02-22-13 S Referred to Senate Committee on Senate Retirement - End of Report -
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